Barbara Jenkins Portrait

We're pleased to announce that award-winning Trinidadian short story writer Barbara Jenkins will be the inaugural International Writer in Residence at Small Wonder festival later this month. Taking place in Charleston, East Sussex, from 23 – 27 September, the annual festival is dedicated to short stories, with a programme of lively readings, discussions, workshops and performances.

About Small Wonder:

Wonder is a festival dedicated to short stories that takes places in Charleston, located in the South Downs in East Sussex. From 1916 Charleston it was the home of Bloomsbury group artists Vanessa Bell and Duncan Grant, whose long-term guests included Virginia Woolf, Roger Fry, Lytton Strachey, T.S. Eliot and E.M. Forster.

This opportunity for an International Writer in Residence has been made possible through a partnership between The Charleston Trust and the British Council, and is also supported by Bocas Litfest, Trinidad. As writer in residence, Barbara will attend all the events at Small Wonder and then produce a piece of work arising from the festival.