8 – 12 OCT 2016
An old man returns a violin to Chicago’s Northwestern Settlement. Ms Harriet Vittum lent it to him 80 years ago, with the promise that he return it when he was finished.
With original music and lyrics inspired by Chicago’s cultural traditions, Reprise follows an immigrant story, as we discover where the instrument took the old man all those years, how he knew he was finished and what it meant to keep his promise. Adventure Stage Chicago and a cast of talented musicians and performers present the story of a decades-long community connection.
Adventure Stage Chicago is a programme of Northwestern Settlement.For 125 years, Northwestern Settlement has nurtured, educated and inspired children and families in need in Chicago. Focussing on changing lives through education, social services and the arts, Northwestern Settlement’s programmes are fully integrated to meet the needs of their neighbours.
Sarah Rose Graber is a director, performer and teaching artist working between the US and the UK. As a Circumnavigator Scholar, she travelled the world studying theatre for social change. She then completed a Fulbright Fellowship centred on devising theatre. Sarah Rose has worked with National Theatre of Scotland, punchdrunk, Fuel, LIFT Festival, Playwrights Studio Scotland, Edinburgh International Festival Fringe and Scottish Youth Theatre. In Chicago she’s worked with Strawdog, Victory Gardens, Northlight, Metropolis Performing Arts and Adventure Stage Chicago.
Charting the lives of three members
of Glasgow’s Bangladeshi community, from 1971 and the Bangladeshi War of Independence to the present day, MEMORi presents previously untold stories of escape, settlement and integration, underlining the importance of cross-cultural understanding. Bringing together Bangla-Scots from Glasgow with professional theatre-makers from Dhaka, Bangladesh, MEMORi incorporates elements of traditional Bangladeshi performance.
Home Away provides an opportunity for Glasgow’s Bangladeshi community to develop their skills in theatre production and to represent the journey taken by its people to make a new home in Scotland.
Bangladesh Association Glasgow (BAG) was established in 1971 during the war of independence of Bangladesh. For decades, Bangladeshis in Glasgow have been participating in activities involving not only the Bangla speaking community but the greater Scottish community. There are various different organisations amongst Bangladeshis in Glasgow working together to represent both Bangladeshi and Scottish culture. The main objective of BAG is to bring these organisations into a common platform to celebrate national events.
Tareq Abdullah is a writer, poet and director from Glasgow, and a key figure within the Scottish Bengali writing and journalism community.
Sudip Chakroborthy is a theatre practitioner and Assistant Professor at the Department of Theatre and Performance Studies at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. He has directed, designed and performed in over 20 productions in Bangladesh, Kolkata and London, and has participated in national and international theatre festivals, including National Theatre of Scotland’s The Tin Forest. His research specialism is the indigenous theatre of Bangladesh.